Monday, March 20, 2006

The "Cane" Season Starts in 2 Months

This is proof that the 2005 Hurricanes season made money for the various networks, because the hype has started. We will receive lots of “End of the World” scenarios from all the forecast pundits.

People from Texas will claim that its their year. The Florida folks will claim every Tropical Wave that comes off Africa surely will be a category 5 and hit them. The hype has started!!!!!!!

Bring It On!!


  1. Hard to believe that Hurricane season is just around the corner. What is Dr. Gray saying for this year?

  2. I heard on NPR that New England maybe the vulnerable region this year. How is the Bermuda High predicted to influence patterns this year?- mrbill

  3. Bill

    If florida is dry and hot in March , April, and May "Get out the Sunshine State!" Look to 2004 for guidance! A large High Pressure pattern has been dominate for most of the last month just East of Florida.


  4. Report
    From Cyclone Larry down under.

    This looks like Katrina damage,10121,5001104,00.html
